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H.M. Gonagasa sártnit

Dása leat válljen muhtun sártniid maid Majestehta Gonagas lea doallan iešguđet almmolaš dilálašvuođain. Ođđa sártnit almmuhuvvojit dađistaga.

Lohku: 312

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Nyttårstalen 2018

Hans Majestet Kong Haralds tale nyttårsaften 2018.
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Stortingsmiddagen 2018: Kongens tale

Hans Majestet Kong Haralds tale ved Stortingsmiddagen på Det kongelige slott 25. oktober 2018.
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China and Norway - An Ocean of Opportunities

Speech given by His Majesty The King at the opening of the conference "China and Norway - An Ocean of Opportunities" in Shanghai during Their Majesties' state visit to China 11 - 19 October 2018.
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Norway-China Business Summit 2018

Speech given by His Majesty The King at the opening of "Norway-China Business Summit 2018. Pioneering Sustainable Solutions" i Beijing during Their Majesties' state visit to China 11 - 19 October 2018.
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Sino-Norwegian Symposium

Speech given by His Majesty The King at the opening of the Sino-Norwegian Symposium for Social Disciplines in Bejing during Their Majesties' state visit to China 11 - 19 October 2018.
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Fylkestur til Nordland: Tale i Moskenes

Fylkestur til Nordland: H.M. Kongens tale i Reine i Moskenes kommune 14. juni 2018.
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Fylkestur til Nordland: Tale på Røst

Fylkestur til Nordland: H.M. Kongens tale på Glea i Røst kommune 13. juni 2018.
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Fylkestur til Nordland: Tale i Sørfold

Fylkestur til Nordland: H.M. Kongens tale i Straumen i Sørfold kommune 12. juni 2018.
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State visit from Slovakia: Gala dinner

Speech given by His Majesty The King during the gala dinner at the Royal Palace given in honour of the state visit from Slovakia 4 - 6 June 2018.
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State visit to the Argentine Republic: Welcome at official dinner

Welcome given by His Majesty The King in Buenos Aires during an official dinner during Their Majesties' state visit to Argentina 6 - 8 March 2018.
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State visit to the Argentine Republic: Seminar on Antarctic relations

Speech given by His Majesty The King at the opening of a seminar on the Antarctic relations between Argentina and Norway during Their Majesties state visit to Argentina 6 - 8 March 2018.
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State visit to the Argentine Republic: Speech during luncheon in Buenos Aires

Speech given by His Majesty The King at Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires during Their Majesties' State visit to Argentina 6 - 8 March 2018.
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Official visit from UK: Official dinner at the Royal Palace

Speech given by His Majesty The King at the official dinner during the official visit by Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge 1 February 2018.
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Nyttårstalen 2017

Hans Majestet Kong Haralds tale nyttårsaften 2017.
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Førjulssamling i KunstStallen

H.M. Kongens velkomsttale under førjulssamling i Dronning Sonja KunstStall 12. desember 2017.
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Stortingsmiddagen 2017: Kongens tale

Hans Majestet Kongens tale ved Stortingsmiddagen på Det kongelige slott 26. oktober 2017.
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Sametinget 2017: Åpningstale

H.M. Kongens tale ved åpningen av det åttende Sameting 11. oktober 2017.
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Velkomsttale på Maihaugen

H.M. Kongens velkomsttale ved hagefesten på Maihaugen under Kongeparets jubileumsreise i innlandet 11. - 14. juni 2017.
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Finland 100 år

H.M. Kongens tale under lunsjen ved markeringen av Finlands 100-årsjubileum i Helsingfors 1. juni 2017.
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Kongeparet 80 år: Kongeparets tale

Kongeparets takketale under regjeringens festmiddag på Operaen i anledning Kongeparets 80-årsjubileum, mai 2017.
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The King and Queen's 80th anniversary: Welcome

His Majesty The King's welcome at the start of the gala dinner celebrating the 80th anniversary of The King and Queen.
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Statsbesøk fra Island

H.M. Kongens tale ved gallamiddagen på Det kongelige slott til ære for President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson og fru Eliza Reid under statsbesøket fra Island 21. mars 2017.
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Nyttårstalen 2016

Hans Majestet Kong Haralds tale nyttårsaften 2016.
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Stortingsmiddagen 2016: Kongens tale

H.M. Kongens tale under middagen for stortingsrepresentantene 27. oktober 2016.
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State visit from Singapore

Speech given by His Majesty The King during the gala dinner in honour of His Excellency President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Mrs Mary Tan and their state visit to Norway 10 - 12 October 2016.
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State visit to Finland: Luncheon in Oulu

Speech given by His Majesty The King at an official luncheon in Oulu during Their Majesties The King and Queen's state visit to Finland 6 - 8 September 2016.
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Statsbesøk til Finland: Gallamiddag i Presidentpalasset

H.M. Kongens tale under gallamiddagen på Presidentens slott under Kongeparets statsbesøk til Finland 6. - 8. september 2016.
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Statsbesøk til Finland: Lunsj i Helsingfors rådhus

H.M. Kongens tale under en offisiell lunsj i Helsingfors rådhus under Kongeparets statsbesøk til Finland 6. - 8. september 2016.
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Hagefest i Slottsparken: Velkomsttale

H.M. Kongens tale under Kongeparets hagefest i Slottsparken 1. september 2016.
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Sarpsborg 1000 år

H.M. Kongens tale i Sarpsborg i anledning byens 1000 års-jubileum.
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Jubileumsreisen: Tale i Stavanger

H.M. Kongens tale under hagefesten på Ledaal i Stavanger under Jubileumsreisen kongepar i 25 år, mandag 27. juni 2016.
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Jubileumsreisen: Tale i Trondheim

H.M. Kongens tale på hagefesten ved Stiftsgården i Trondheim under Jubileumsreisen Kongepar i 25 år, torsdag 23. juni 2016.
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Jubileumsreisen: Tale i Tromsø

H.M. Kongens tale på hagefesten på Skansen i Tromsø under Jubileumsreisen Kongepar i 25 år, lørdag 18. juni 2016.
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Takk for Stortingets gave til 25-årsjubileet

H.M. Kongens takk Stortingets gave til 25-årsjubileet - Kavalerbygningen, Oscarshall, 7. juni 2016.
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Statsbesøk fra Polen: Tale under gallamiddagen

H.M. Kongens tale under gallamiddagen på slottet i anledning H.E. President Andrzej Duda og fru Agata Kornhauser-Dudas statsbesøk til Norge, 23. - 25. mai 2016.  
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Prinsesse Ingrid Alexandras Skulpturpark

H.M. Kongens tale ved åpningen av Prinsesse Ingrid Alexandras skulpturpark, Slottsparken 19. mai 2016.
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State visit to Italiy: Milan

Speech given by His Majesty The King at a business lunch in Milan during a state visit to Italy 6 - 8 April 2016.
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Statsbesøk til Italia: Tale under gallamiddagen

H.M. Kongens tale ved gallamiddagen i Roma under Kongeparets statsbesøk til Italia 6. - 8. april 2016.
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Nyttårstalen 2015

Hans Majestet Kong Haralds tale nyttårsaften 2015.
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Stortingsmiddagen 2015: Kongens tale

Hans Majestet Kongens tale ved Stortingsmiddagen på Det kongelige slott 22. oktober 2015.
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Flerkulturelt gjestebud på Slottet: Velkomsthilsen

H.M. Kongens velkomst under flerkulturelt gjestebud - et møte i tro og livssyn - på Det kongelige slott.
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Fylkestur til Finnmark: Tale i Varangerbotn

H.M. Kongens tale i Varangerbotn – Unjárga/Nesseby kommune - under Kongeparets fylkestur til Finnmark 16. - 18. juni 2015.
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Fylkestur til Finnmark: Tale i Kjøllefjord

H.M. Kongens tale i Kjøllefjord – Lebesby kommune - under Kongeparets fylkestur til Finnmark 16. - 18. juni 2015.
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Fylkestur til Finnmark: Tale i Havøysund

H.M. Kongens tale i Havøysund i Måsøy kommune under Kongeparets fylkestur til Finnmark 16. - 18. juni 2015.
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Official visit to the US: Looking North Together

Speech given by His Majesty The King at the conference “Looking North Together: The US and Norway in the Quest for Arctic Knowledge” in Anchorage, Alaska, during an official visit to the US 21 - 27 May 2015.
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Official visit to the US: INTSOK

Speech given by His Majesty The King at the INTSOK Arctic Offshore Operations Conference in Anchorage, Wednesday 27 May, during an official visit to the US 21 - 27 May 2015.
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Official visit to the US: Commencement Address

Commencement Address given by His Majesty The King at Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, 23 May 2015, during an official visit to the US 21 - 27 May 2015.
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Official visit to the US: Speech in Seattle

Speech given by His Majesty The King at the Sheraton Hotel in Seattle, 22 May 2015, during an official visit to the US 21 - 27 May 2015.
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Frigjøringsjubileum 8. mai 2015

H.M. Kongens tale ved markeringen av frigjøringsjubileet og Forsvarets veterandag på Akershus festning, 8. mai 2015.
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Statsbesøk fra Latvia: Tale under gallamiddagen

H.M. Kongens tale under gallamiddagen til ære for republikken Latvias president, H.E. herr Andris Bērziņš under Presidentens statsbesøk til Norge 18. - 19. mars 2015.
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