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Almmolaš sártnit

Dása leat čohkkejuvvon muhtun válljejuvvon sártnit maid leat doallan iešguđetlágán almmolaš dilálašvuođain. Das leat sártnit maid Gonagasbárra, Ruvdnaprinsabárra leat doallan, ja maiddái sártnit maid Prinseassa Märtha Louise ja Prinseassa Astrid leaba doallan oassin sudno almmolaš doaimmain. Ođđa sártnit almmuhuvvojit dađistaga. Dás gávdnojit maid muhtun moadde sártni maid Gonagas Olav V ja Gonagas Haakon VII leaba doallan. Eanet sártniid almmuhit dađiastaga. Muhtun historjjálaš sártnit gávdnojit maid jietnafiilan.

Sártnit almmuhuvvojit dan gillii go dat leat dollojuvvon, juogo dárogillii dahje eŋgelasgillii.

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ONS 2010: Åpningstale

Speech by His Majesty The King at the opening of ONS 2010, Stavanger, 24 August.
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Florø 150 år: Jubileumstale

H.M. Dronningens tale ved Florø bys 150-årsjubileum, august 2010
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Nor-Fishing 2010: Opening speech

Speech by His Majesty The King at the opening of Nor-Fishing 2010, Trondheim 17 August 2010.
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AIDS 2010 Conference: Opening of the Youth Pavilion

Speech by Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess at the opening of the Youth Pavilion at the18th International AIDS Conference, Vienna 19 July 2010.
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18th International AIDS Conference: Opening remarks

Opening remarks from Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess at a session during the18th International AIDS Conference, Vienna 17 July 2010.
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Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Speech in Stralsund

Speech (in german) by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince during offical visit to Stralsund in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, 12 June 2010.
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IPY – Oslo Science Conference: Opening speech

Speech by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at the opening of IPY – Oslo Science Conference at Norges Varemesse, 9 June 2010.
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Fylkestur til Oppland: Tale i Sør-Aurdal

H.M. Kongens tale i Sør-Aurdal under Kongeparets fylkestur til Oppland, juni 2010.
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Fylkestur til Oppland: Tale i Vestre Slidre

H.M. Dronningens tale i Vestre Slidre under Kongeparets fylkestur til Oppland, juni 2010.
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Fylkestur til Oppland: Tale i Vang

H.M. Kongens tale i Vang under Kongeparets fylkestur til Oppland, juni 2010.
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Fylkestur til Oppland: Tale i Øystre Slidre

H.M. Kongens tale i Øystre Slidre under Kongeparets fylkestur til Oppland, juni 2010.
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Fylkestur til Oppland: Tale i Nord-Aurdal

H.M. Dronningens tale under Kongeparets fylkestur til Oppland, juni 2010.
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Fylkestur til Oppland: Tale i Etnedal

H.M. Kongens tale i Etnedal under Kongeparets fylkestur til Oppland, juni 2010.
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State Visit from the Netherlands: Speech by Her Majesty

Speech by Her Majesty Queen Beatrix at the Gala Dinner at the Royal Palace during the State Visit to Norway, June 2010.
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State visit from the Netherlands: Speech by His Majesty

Speech by His Majesty The King at gala dinner during the State visit from the Netherlands, June 2010.
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World EXPO 2010: Opening of Norway Day

Speech by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at the Opening of Norway Day at the Norwegian EXPO Pavilion, Shanghai 28 May 2010.
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World EXPO 2010: Introductory speech

Introductory speech by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at a breakfast meeting at the Norwegian EXPO Pavilion, Shanghai 28 May 2010.
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World EXPO 2010: Opening of Norway Day cultural event

Speech by His Royal Royal Highness The Crown Prince at the Opening Ceremony – Cultural Programme of Norway Day at EXPO, Shanghai 28 May 2010
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World EXPO 2010: Official dinner in Shanghai

Speech by His Royal Higness The Crown Prince at a formal dinner at Westin Hotel, Shanghai, May 2010
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Festspillene i Bergen: Åpningstale 2010

H.M. Kongens tale ved åpningen av de 58. Festspillene i Bergen - mai 2010.
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Inclusive Design: Opening speech

Speech by Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess at the opening of the European Business Conference on Inclusive Design, the Norwegian Centre for Design and Architecture, Oslo May 2010
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Biomangfolddagen: Åpningstale

H.K.H. Kronprinsens tale ved åpningen av Biomangfolddagen - Markering av FNs internasjonale Naturmangfoldår, Botanisk Hage i Oslo, 20. mai 2010.
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Statsbesøk fra Russland: Tale under gallamiddagen

H.M. Kongens tale under gallamiddag på Slottet under statsbesøket fra Russland, april 2010.
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Bautaen Bjørnson: Åpningstale

H.M. Kongens tale ved åpningen av Bjørnsonsutstilling i Nasjonalbiblioteket 24. april 2010.
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Stiftelse av ny studentorganisasjon: Hilsningstale

H.K.H. Kronprinsens tale til stiftelsesmøtet ved sammenslåingen av Norsk Studentunion og Studentenes Landsforbund, torsdag 22. april 2010.
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Sandes 150 år: Åpningstale

H.M. Dronningens tale ved markeringen av Sandnes 150-årsjubileum, 14. april 2010.
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Offisielt besøk til FAE: Hilsen til Nordmenn i Dubai

H.K.H. Kronprinsens hilsen til nordmenn på Sjømannsenteret Dubai 14. april 2010.
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Official visit to UAE: Opening of business seminar in Dubai

Speech by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at the opening of business seminar entitled The Norwegian Experience in the Maritime and ICT sector, Dubai 14 April 2010
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Official visit to UAE: Official dinner in Abu Dhabi

Speech by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at an official banquet in Abu Dhabi, 13 April 2010.
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Official visit to UAE: Opening of plenary meeting

Speech by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at the opening of a plenary meeting in Abu Dhabi, 13 April 2010
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Amandusfestivalen: Hilsen

H.K.H. Kronprinsessens hilsen på Amandusfestivalen, Lillehammer 25. mars 2010.
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Det 72. Bibliotekmøtet; Åpningstale

H.K.H. Kronprinsens tale ved åpningen av Det 72. Bibliotekmøtet, Hamar 17. mars 2010.
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Finnmarksløpet 2010: Åpningstale

H.K.H. Kronprinsens tale ved åpningen av Finnmarksløpet, Alta 13. mars 2010.
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Avduking av monumentet Reflexions

H.M. Kongens tale ved avdukingen av monumentet Reflexions i anledning Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs 250-årsjubileum 12. mars 2010.
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Official visit to Malaysia: Opening of exhibition

Speech by Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess at the opening of an exhibition of Norwegian architecture in Kuala Lumpur during official visit to Malaysia, March 2010.
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Official visit to Malaysia: Seminar on gender equality

Speech by Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess at the opening of the seminar ”Equal Opportunities in High-Level Decision Making Positions” in Kuala Lumpur during official visit to Malaysia, March 2010.
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Official visit to Malaysia: Opening of business seminar

Speech by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at the opening of a business seminar in Kuala Lumpur during an official visit to Malaysia, March 2010.
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Official visit to Malaysia: Deep Green Challenge for Change

Speech by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at the finals of the Deep Green Challenge for Change competition during official visit to Malaysia March 2010.
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Official visit to Malaysia: Speech at official banquet

Speech by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at an official banquet at the Prime Minister's residence in Kuala Lumpur during official visit to Malaysia, March 2010.
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Neser lukter tulipaner: Utstillingsåpning

Prinsesse Märtha Louises tale ved åpningen av utstillingen "Neser lukter tulipaner", Nittedal, 12. februar 2010.
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Ole Bull 2010: Åpningstale ved 200-årsjubileet

H.M. Dronningens tale ved åpningen av Ole Bull-jubileet 12. februar 2010, Den Nationale Scene i Bergen.
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Norwegian Embassy in Kazakhstan: Opening speech

Speech by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at the opening of the Norwegian Embassy in Astana, Kazakhstan 5 February 2010.
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INTSOK seminar: Opening speech

Speech by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at the opening of the INTSOK seminar: “Energy, Climate and the Environment”, Astana, Kazakhstan 5 February 2010.
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Topplederkonferansen: Hilsningstale

H.K.H. Kronprinsens tale ved åpningen av Frivillighet Norges topplederkonferanse, 11. januar 2010.
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Nyttårstalen 2009

H.M. Kongens nyttårstale 2009.
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Julekonsert i Oslo fengsel: Hilsen

H.K.H. Kronprinsessens tale før julekonsert Oslo Fengsel, desember 2009.
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Norwegian Pavilion at Bright Green: Opening speech

Speech by His Royal Highness The Crown Prince at the opening of the Norwegian Pavilion at Bright Green in Copenhagen, December 2009.
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Røde Kors Besøkstjenestes 60-årsjubileum: Hilsningstale

H.K.H. Kronprinsessens tale ved Røde Kors Besøkstjenestes 60-årsjubileum, desember 2009.
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State visit to South Africa: Education and research

Speech by Her Majesty The Queen on the opening of a seminar on education and research in Cape Town during a state visit to South Africa, November 2009.
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State visit to South Africa: Cultural event

Speech by His Majesty The King at a cultural event during the State visit to South Africa, November 2009.
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